Below: Friday afternoon shopping at Soulard Farmers market. It's my favorite place in St. Louis so far- I got 2 packages of strawberries for $1.00 from a sweet little old man.
Also, today (Saturday) I went with my roommate Amber to a church called "The Journey" that's just across the park from our place. It was a great service except for the communion part. Apparently, in true Jayne fashion, I wasn't paying attention to their way of doing things. So I went up, got my bread and proceeded to grab the communion cup and tip it to my mouth (just like we do at home!). The guy holding the cup seemed a bit resistant and I was embarrassed to notice (after I had already tainted the cup with my chapstick and germs) that people were dipping the bread into the cup-not drinking from it. GOOPS! I got some looks. I laughed.
Above: Cloudy view from our dinner spot in the backyard
Below: Amber (roommate) and Matt ready to enjoy some dinner
Hey Jayne: I am glad you got to participate in communion! The Lord is good. You sound happy.